St. Benedict Cemetery

St. Benedict Entrance Sign Saint Benedict Cemetery is a four acre property located in the Armory and Liberty Streets area of the Liberty Heights section of Springfield. The cemetery must have had some affiliation with St. Benedict Parish which was located on Union Street and established in 1847. Because of space constrictions the Union Street property was vacated and the parish moved to State Street and was re-named St. Michael [cathedral] Parish. Saint Benedict Cemetery is thus the predecessor of St. Michael Cemetery. In 1906 responsibility for this cemetery was transferred to Our Lady of Hope Parish, most likely because of the parish’s close proximity to the cemetery. There was some availability of inventory in the cemetery and parishioners did make use of the facility. While there was an early bond formed between the parish and the cemetery, it could not really develop because of the limited size of the property. For all practical purposes the cemetery was closed to burials prior to 1940 with parishioners going to Saint Michael Cemetery. This facility was transferred under the Springfield Diocesan Cemeteries, Inc. management in 1999.

St. Benedict is located at Liberty Street, Springfield, MA 01104. The main office is located, and records are maintained at the Gate of Heaven. Office tel: 413.782.4731