
The ministry of the Diocese of Springfield is divided between diocesan and parochial cemeteries. Diocesan cemeteries are operated by the diocese; parochial cemeteries are the responsibility of pastors. The first Catholic cemeteries, Saint MatthewSaint Benedict and Saint Michael, were originally parochial cemeteries.

There are 42 parish cemeteries throughout the four counties of the Diocese of Springfield. Some are small and serve one parish; others are large and serve multiple parishes and larger regions. Each parish cemetery is administered by the pastor of the parish under whose jurisdiction it falls.

The development, promulgation, and enforcement of decoration rules for parish cemeteries are the responsibility of the pastor with the parochial cemetery. Parish cemetery decoration regulations will be based on considerations for safety, the common good, and the maintenance of the Catholic character of the cemetery.

The gates at the major diocesan cemeteries are open from 8:00AM until dusk, seven days a week, and visitors are welcome during these hours. Arrangements to visit at St. Benedict and St. Matthew can be made through the office at St. Michael Cemetery.

With the exception of observed holidays, the cemetery offices are open from 8:30AM until 4:00PM, Monday thru Friday, and 8:30AM until 12:00PM on Saturdays.